Saturday, June 28, 2008

Towns With Angles

Today's question also involves the law of cosines, but with a different purpose. It is a very neat question from a test which is considered "hard". Try it before looking at the answer.

A biker travels from town A to town B at 10 km/h. Another biker is traveling from town B to town C at 12 km/h. The distance from town A to town B is d. Angle ∠ABC = 120°. The bikers are closest after 2.5 hours of riding. Find d.

First, try to draw the situation. Draw the three towns, draw d, draw the angle, and place two points on segment AB and segment BC, which are the bikers.

Let t be the time the bikers are traveling. This means the first biker's distance from town A is 10t and the second biker's distance from town B is 12t. Since the first biker's distance from town A is 10t, his distance from town B is d - 10t.

We need a variable that represents the distance between the bikers. Let's call it x.

As you can see now, we have a triangle with three sides (x, 12t, d - 10t) and an angle of 120° which is opposite to the side with measure x. This situation calls for the law of cosines to find the relation of all variables:
x2 = (12t)2 + (d - 10t)2 - 2(12t)(d - 10t)cos 120°

cos 120° = -0.5, so the relation becomes (after expanding):
x2 = 144t2 + d2 - 20dt + 100t2 + 12dt - 120t2

Add like terms and take the square root:
x = √(124t2 + d2 - 8dt)

We know that x has a minimum when t = 2.5, so if we derive x and plug 2.5 for t, we can find d.

As you should know, when you derive √f(x), you get f'(x)/2√f(x). Since we equate the derivative to zero (at a maximum or a minimum, the derivative is zero), we can now ignore the denominator (since it's always positive and we can multiply by it). Don't ignore it on a test, I'm doing it to save time.

Since we derive by t (dx/dt), the derivative of d2 is 0 (d is a constant, not a variable).
0 = 248t - 8d

We know that t = 2.5, so:
0 = 620 - 8d
8d = 620
d = 77.5 km

Towns A and B are 77.5 km apart.

Have a great weekend,


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