Monday, July 7, 2008

Pipes and Swimming Pools

Everybody knows the famous water pipe question - two pipes fill a swimming pool in a certain time, so find how much time each pipe needs to fill the pool. Well, here is one question of this type.

Two pipes fill a swimming pool in 11 1/9 hours (eleven hours and one ninth of an hour) together. One pipe can fill the pool in 5 hours less than the other pipe. Find out how much times it takes each pipe to fill up the swimming pool separately.

First, as you know, we need variables. Let x be the time it takes the faster pipe to fill up the swimming pool. This means it takes the slower pipe x + 5 hours to fill up the swimming pool.

Since it takes the first pipe x hours to fill up the pool, each hour it fills 1/x of the pool. For the other pipe, the rate is 1/(x + 5) per hour. Since they fill up the pool in 100/9 hours together (I changed it into the more comfortable fraction form), let's multiply each rate by 100/9 and add them up to 1 (100% of the pool):
100/9x + 100/(9x + 45) = 1

Multiply by the lowest common denominator: 9x(x + 5):
100(x + 5) + 100x = 9x(x + 5)
100x + 500 + 100x = 9x2 + 45x
9x2 - 155x - 500 = 0
(x - 20)(9x + 25) = 0
x = 20, -25

Since x is a time, it cannot be negative, so it must be 20.

The fast pipe fills the pool in 20 hours. The slower one fills the pool in 25 hours.

Hope you liked it,


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